Product Pitch

  • ME-DB is your perfect Media Entertainment Database to keep track of all of your favorite shows, movies, and games!
  • Organize your media by tiers, with your absolute favorites in S tier and your most regretted ones in F tier!
  • Plan your To-Do List separate from your Collection, filter media by tags, and customize to your liking!


  • I love keeping track of all of my favorite media - before I created this project I actually had separate Google Docs where I’d list them out in pages and gave each a score on how much I liked it.

    I needed a better way to both record the data and visualize it, not in separate Google Docs but all in one application, accessible from anywhere!

At the same time, with all of the new content coming out nowadays, I wanted to condense a To-Do List across multiple platforms. Instead of keeping track of multiple Watch Lists on Netflix, Hulu, and the like, I could have one place that helps me decide what I most want to spend my time doing!


  • Although the URL is public, sign-in is not permitted to everyone, as I must first get Google’s permission to take data from any given user. I currently use this project along with 20 Beta Testers - thanks friends!
  • Since this project is hosted on a Free Service (, it may take a minute or two for the website to load if the Service has not been active for a while.


  • Applied MERN stack to create a CRUD app that utilizes Google Oauth2 login with Passport JS and Cookie-Session
  • Customized interface to display user-categorized rankings of tv shows with the ability to filter by year and tags
  • Deployed online under custom subdomains using Render for the API backend and Vercel for the frontend

Feature Highlights

  • Login Page integrated with Google
  • Home Page w/ Collection & To-Do List
    • Create, Edit, and Delete media items
    • Filter by Year or Tag
  • Customization
    • Tier Names
    • Tags

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