Why Blog At All?
Before creating this website I often pondered whether or not it would be worth it to have a blog at all. I’m the type of person that always has to dive into my own motivations - the WHY - so that I can be confident I’m making the right decision in coherence.
The following are the 2 main motivations I’ve settled upon.
- Publish writing = I think it’s awesome to put out my own content that I created. I’ve always liked writing, and to me crafting essays in school was always fun because it’s a constant work in progress to develop, improve, and ultimately complete a paper from start to finish.
- Organize valuable information = I want to remember how I did something in the past so I can quickly re-learn if needed, and at the same time I want to share tips and tricks that I learned so it may help others just as others across the internet have helped me.
I very much like the text written at https://thelaziestprogrammer.com/about/ :
This is what the Information Age is all about - easily finding the shoulders of others to stand on. Whether they are giants, or individuals who stand just a hair taller than you in their domains, if you stand on their shoulders you see beyond obstacles, and reach your solution faster.
I would like to be THAT source for myself and others which can explain something easily and provide a quick fix.